Now Available | She Writes Press
“ Green’s prose is tender and keenly observant . . . . A fascinating and frequently moving novel of family and geology.”
—Kirkus Reviews

Flying Lessons—part 5
Here's the conclusion to Flying Lessons, but just the start to a life of adventure for young Will Ross. I hope you'll read No More Empty Spaces, my debut novel, which picks up on Will's life decades later as he takes his family to a remote and rugged region of Turkey...

Flying Lessons—part 4
At the end of the last installment, Will thought, Gone wrong. This day’s gone wrong. If only his day had gotten better from there...but sometimes they don't. Despite that, Will realized he was hungry. His nostrils twitched at the smell of raw onion when he pulled the...

Flying Lessons—part 3
Keep reading for the next installment of Flying Lessons. How will young Will Ross’ day progress? Joe smiled down at Will and, again, patted him on the back. “Okay, then, ready to go?” Will nodded. “Thanks, Joe.” Afternoon chores were feeding and watering the pigs and...

Flying Lessons–part 2
Here's the second part of the short story, Flying Lessons. If you're reading my novel, No More Empty Spaces, you know that Will Ross is its protagonist, and he is of this story as well, but as a young boy. Intent on the kite, the whack across Will’s right ear and the...

Flying Lessons—part 1
Have you started reading No More Empty Spaces, and met Will Ross? The following is a short story (that will be featured as a series of posts) where you can get to know Will as a young boy. Perhaps it will give you some insight into why he becomes the man he...

A Rainbow of Birds
As a little kid, if asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d respond, “I’m going to get a PhD in Ornithology.” Weird? Cute? Definitely nerdy. I birdwatched with my dad, loving it, and the birds. Though I did not reach the lofty goal I set for myself, I still love...

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood (or EVERYWHERE! via Livestream) Near You!
What an exciting time for this debut author—and I get to share that excitement with readers across the country at author events. We had the book launch for No More Empty Spaces at my local independent bookstore, Bookworks, last week and what fun it was. Now you can...

In the pagesof a booka story unfolds.In fiction,a truer truth? A truer truth—while speaking of fiction, a writer said that at a Bookworks author event. I can’t remember who (I’m sorry! We host a lot of you…), but that is why I write, to explore truer truths....

There’s a Story Here (and There, and Everywhere)
Wherever I look, outward or inward, I can find a story. On hikes, at home, on the boat, in my dogs’ faces (even their pictures now), reminiscing with friends, or flipping through a photo album (or like we do now, scrolling through pictures on our phones)—there are...

Seems I’ve seen a jackrabbit, or three, on every hike I’ve taken this winter. Black-tailed jackrabbits, or American desert hares, make the same habitat as mine their home (that is, the desert Southwest), or perhaps more accurately, I make my home in their habitat....
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