Back to the trails

by | Nov 15, 2024 | Ground Work | 4 comments

In the aftermath, I choose to put one foot in front of the other, to focus on the beauty and serenity of the natural world. I am privileged to live in a place filled with it, and also to travel to places that are truly spectacular, like the Grand Canyon. In my last post, I took you along on my recent four day backpacking trip there, and I choose to go there again in my mind and my heart.

I hope this short journey back down the canyon’s trails brings some light to your day, as it does to mine.

The canyon, grand, pulls me back.
Nine times I have loaded a heavy pack
and hiked—down, down, down for days.
There is beauty, yes, but there is more.
It is a journey through deep time.
Reaching with my right hand, my fingers brush
the fine sand of windblown dunes built
hundreds of millions of years ago.
And my left? On some of this canyon’s trails,
my left hand extends over an abyss of hundreds of feet.
That moment, right hand upon a carved crossbed, left in thin air,
demands my attention be as firm as my boots upon the narrow track.

I must stop, if I’m to admire a mud crack preserved for more than a billion years.
I must stop, if I’m to take in the dangerously steep and stunningly beautiful walls
of sculpted schists formed nearly two billion years ago.
I must stop, to let my heartrate slow from the climb, but quicken in amazement.

One partner, decades ago, was paralyzed by the realization that she could fall and disappear
in the vastness. But for me, that realization—my smallness in the canyon’s immensity in space
and time—feels freeing.
Starting the descent, this ninth time, in the chill air of an October morning, I walked with two others.
Partners who relished the realization as much as I. Those days with them, with our focus (on paths
along precipices), with our awe (at the enormity), with our appetites (could reconstituted freeze-dried
green chile mac and cheese taste so good anywhere else?), with our laughter and our sighs, along with
the Canyon wrens’ songs and Canyon frogs’ chirps, a concerto of companionship of women walking
together in this world.

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  1. Scott Burns

    Great job on theGrand Canyon – one of my favorite places!

  2. Carolyn Kinsman

    Absolutely beautiful, and so calming…affirming. Thank you, dear friend. These are the places we must go.

  3. Serin

    So lovely, Deb!


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Geologists study the earth and the processes that shape it. Writers study the human heart and the processes that shape it. The GeologistWriter builds a bridge between the two. Come across it with me!

GROUND WORK: Wander the outdoors with me.

VENUS & MARS GO SAILING: Life. Intensified. On the Salish Sea.

FINDING THE WORDS: We all have stories – let's find the words to tell them.


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