What Inspires Me to Write

by | Jan 20, 2025 | Finding the Words | 3 comments

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”

James Baldwin

There are times when writing flows and times when it ebbs. For me, for months now, it has been ebbing. But with the dawn of this new year, a year in which it seems to me that creating art, in whatever way we do, will be imperative, I had to find words that inspired my own to flow again. This quote from James Baldwin’s 1963 bestseller, The Fire Next Time, are those words. I write because I believe being willing to be vulnerable reflects strength, rather than weakness. I write because I must remove that mask I “know I cannot live within.”

What inspires you?

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  1. Scott Burns

    I write because I love explaining things to others, especially about geology and the earth around us. What is Mother Nature trying to tell us about what surrounds us?

  2. Kate Miller

    You’re right and you said it with graceful strength and spirit.

    It is a challenge

  3. Jenn

    Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities with us. Our stories are what connects us as humans. Much love!
    And the graphic is so cool!


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Geologists study the earth and the processes that shape it. Writers study the human heart and the processes that shape it. The GeologistWriter builds a bridge between the two. Come across it with me!

GROUND WORK: Wander the outdoors with me.

VENUS & MARS GO SAILING: Life. Intensified. On the Salish Sea.

FINDING THE WORDS: We all have stories – let's find the words to tell them.


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